2.1.3 Using Gladiator Points in Combat

Gladiator points in game

Now that we know that Gladiator points are tribe points + experience points, and how such points are given or awarded, let us review how Gladiator points impact the game play.

To best illustrate the usage and importance of Gladiator points, we will use an example.

Example 1:

Person A has minted a Street Hyena with 74 tribe points (50 of those points come from the Hyena's general tribe points: attack, defense and speed, while the additional 24 points are from the individual items the gladiator received).

Person B has minted a Voodoo Mandrill with 66 tribe points (55 of those points come from the Mandrill's general tribe points: attack, defense and speed, while the additional 11 points are from the individual items the gladiator received).

Neither of Person A or Person B's gladiators have previously been in combat and thus both of them lack any additional experience points. Accordingly:

  • Person A's Street Hyena has 74 Gladiator Points; and

  • Person B's Vodoo Mandrill has 66 Gladiator Points.

Both Person A and Person B choose to enter their gladiators (NFTs) into an arena for combat and consequently they are paired up to face each other in the arena.

Upon combat the game system will calculate Person A and Person B's individual probability of winning the fight. Person A has 52.9% (74 / 140 (74+66)) chance of winning, while Person B has 47.1% (66 / 140) chance of winning the fight. Accordingly, the odds of winning are slightly tilted in favor of Person A, however considering that the game is a game of chance there are obviously no guarantees that Person A will indeed win this actual fight.

Example 2:

Person C has minted a Guerilla Panda with 68 tribe points (55 of those points come from the Panda's general tribe points: attack, defense and speed, while the additional 13 points are from the individual items the gladiator received).

Person D has minted a Commando Hog with 80 tribe points (60 of those points come from the Hog's general tribe points: attack, defense and speed, while the additional 20 points are from the individual items the gladiator received).

Person C has participated in several arena games and the Panda has earned an additional 30 experience points via combat.

Person D has previously never participated in thus lacks additional experience points.


  • Person C's Guerilla Panda has 98 Gladiator Points (68 tribes points + 30 experience points); and

  • Person D's Commando Hog has 80 Gladiator Points.

Both Person C and Person D choose to enter their gladiators (NFTs) into an arena for combat and consequently they are paired up to face each other in the arena.

As described above, the game system will calculate each gladiator's probability of winning the fight. Person C has 55.1% (98 / 178 (98+80)) chance of winning, while Person D has 44.9% (80 / 178) chance of winning the fight. Accordingly, the odds of winning are in favor of Person C.

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