1.1 The Four Gladiator Tribes

The (first) NFT collection will consist of 5,000 gladiators, divided into four tribes. Upon mint, people will receive a NFT from one of the following tribes:

  • Guerilla Pandas;

  • Street Hyenas;

  • Commando Hogs; and

  • Voodoo Mandrills.

All four tribes will respectively have their own unique attributes that will grant them certain base tribe points, which will be used and help them gain advantages upon battle. Also, each tribe will have a unique set of items, in accordance with their background and skill set. Items will be subject to rarity and the more rare an item is, the more tribe points it will grant, making the NFT stronger and hence more likely to win once in battle.

To learn more about each respective tribe, their background and why they will be participating in the gladiator games, please visit each tribe's page:

  • Guerilla Pandas - TBA

  • Street Hyenas - TBA

  • Commando Hogs - TBA

  • Voodoo Mandrills - TBA

Last updated